Day 2: Korsha to Roshka
The day began with a massive climb up to the little village of Roshka, here we unloaded our bags and continued on up a very sketchy hiking path towards the “3 lakes”. After a while Steve turned back, thinking it was madness, but Kati and I pressed on.
A short while later we encountered a couple of hikers who asked us where we were headed. When we told them to the lakes they said absolutely NOT POSSIBLE with the bikes – undeterred we continued and minutes later, just as I was thinking we may be crazy, I heard the sound of a bird singing ” cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo” 😂 Long and short, we ended up having the most amazing single-track ride – 2 hrs up & 1/2 an hour down and we were on an absolute high when we got back in one piece.
30 mins later the thunder and lightning began and the heavens opened – we were showered, dry and warm and tucking into a GIANT bottle of beer – carpe diem and reap the rewards!