Mutso Georgia

Cycle Georgia: Roshka to Mutso via Shatili

Day 3: ROSHKA TO SHATILI Today basically consisted of 8 km back down a mine shaft to the turn-off, then 20km straight up Bear Crossing Pass (Swartberg Pass is a pimple by comparison) and 20km down the other side -1500m elevation gain, thunder, lightning, heavy rain & hail, a very well-timed coffee stop in the middle of…

Korsha to Roshka

Cycle Georgia: Korsha to Roshka

Day 2: Korsha to Roshka The day began with a massive climb up to the little village of Roshka, here we unloaded our bags and continued on up a very sketchy hiking path towards the “3 lakes”. After a while Steve turned back, thinking it was madness, but Kati and I pressed on. A short…

Abano both ways

Cycle Georgia: Abano Both Ways

Cycle Georgia: Abano Both Ways We had grown quite attached to our “home” for the last 4 nights at Shina Guest House. It was great to unpack and spread out for a while and after the first night, Kati considerately moved from our triple room to a single, giving us a chance to, as she…

Cycle Georgia Omal to Dartlo

Cycle Georgia: Omalo to Dartlo

Cycle Georgia: Omalo to Dartlo Feeling wonderfully restored after a fabulous and well-earned rest day yesterday – aside from cleaning all our muddy kit, all we did was eat & drink and stroll to the ruins then eat and drink some more, nap for a few hours, eat & drinks some more…